How do entertain child

30 juni 2013

How do guys, how do. Today was my first morning with the little monsters and boy did I feel like a total derp. Somehow, I expected these children to have the motorfunction of an adult, because I found myself very surprised when not one, but six of them managed to glue something to their face. I mean, c'mon, it's not that hard. Then in the afternoon there was a grand total of one willing victim. At least he enthousiastically drew a bunch of wonky animals on a tiny flag.

On a more cheerful note: if the little rascals don't kill me, my cooking skills will. I think I just scraped three times the allowed amount of teflon of the bottom of my pan, into my omelet. Hmmmmm. I shouldn't really eat it, but then again, it's freaking delicious. And yes mom, I'm eating healthy. Peas (duh), egg (duh), bacon (BACON)... Plus I actually went for a swim every day thus far. One of the perks of being an Animator: you can confiscate the pool after closing time.

Okay end of text Maaike out.

3 Reacties

  1. Bro:
    30 juni 2013
    You are a little monster yourself <3 But hey, srsly, luk at da sunny side, you get to swim in a nice warm sunny country while we have seen the sun for the first time in 3 weeks today! I almost forgot it was there, but it was. Exactly at the day I had to do play with the fanfare ouside in a sweaty black costume. brout
  2. Maaike Visser:
    3 juli 2013
    It's raining here... No but really, it's really good to know that the 'thuisfront' is so supportive. You guys get me through this tough first week!
  3. Panda:
    6 juli 2013
    Oh the eggs ... good to know that you're still an egg hoarder. See! the "little rascals" haven't totally killed your spirit ... (yet? no, no yet) teehee. <3

    And ofc, the peas!!!

    up top, hi there mr. tumnus!