Aaaaand I'm STILL not dead!

27 juli 2013 - Doussard, Frankrijk

Let us all gather round and feast in joy and maybe get a little drunk and then do things we'll regret later on and that shan't ever be mentioned again.

In other news, I organised a ghost hunt. It's like a treasure hunt with ghosts. All the cool kids do it. Even though the cool kids couldn't find all the ghosts that I hid on the camp site. Which mmmaaaaybe had something to do with the fact that one of the ghosts got ripped of it's piece of string by the wind. Maybe I should have mentioned that the ghosts are made out of paper. Ergo not real. Just so we're all on the same page. Good. If success was measured in the number of children you manage to have running around the camp ground breaking at least the sound barrier if not more, I'd say it was a grand success. Woop woop ten points for me.

The second good thing that happened (yes, this is now a list, no, I'm not going to rewrite the first paragraph of this blog so it's clear that this is a list from the start) was the 'Cirque Jonglamine', also known as two dudes with a ton of circus equipment who run around on a big field and teach kids how to juggle. Yours truly, being vaguely trilingual, was promoted to translator, which earned me both a balloon animal and self worth. I'm still not sure which one of those I value more. Fact is, they'll be back in two weeks, and I'm looking forward to it.

The third good thing that happened (followed by the first bad thing of this blog) was me buying a jar of Speculoos (and then unceremoniously fucking up my digestive system by eating half of the jar plus a whole bread in an hour).

The last good thing was me finding motivation to write a blog post. Yay me.

End of text, Maaike out.


4 Reacties

  1. Marjolijn:
    28 juli 2013
    You are a star X
  2. Bro:
    29 juli 2013
    Well, after all the good things you did you deserved a jar of speculoos and a bread. Also it motivated you to write a blog post!
  3. Elsbeth:
    29 juli 2013
    Ik vind het super wat je daar allemaal uithaalt. Wist niet dat je zo'n talent hebt om kinderen te vermaken en het geduld om vol te houden. Ik was al lang (totaal gefrustreerd) afgehaakt.
  4. Opa (zeilboot):
    30 juli 2013
    Ik liep een beetje achter met het ontvangen en lezen van al die mooie verhalen over je belvenissen en inspiraties voor het bezighouden van die kindertjes. Ze spreken allemaal engels of frans? Geweldig hoe je het doet, hou vol en heb er plezier in. Inderdaad ook goed voor je eigen ontwikkeling en zelfvertrouwen