Remember remember the 14th of July

15 juli 2013 - Doussard, Frankrijk

Wait that didn't make sense. Anycow, yesterday was the fourteenth of July and as you may know, for French people it's kind of a big deal. Something to do with the start of the revolution, destruction of the Bastille, France becoming a republic, minor things like that. Point is, everyone knows it's a holiday and it's great to build activities around.

As previously mentioned, last week I found myself in the company of my lovely mum, brother and cousin, the latter being the one to provide me with this particular idea: building a fortress (and taking it down). It's easy really; all you need is an ample supply of cardboard, some glue, rope and paint, and roughly ten enthusiastic 5-to-12-year-olds. Tell them you're constructing the Bastille and before you know it a beautiful arts and crafts chaos is born. For me, this was the first time to see that famous imagination that kids are said to possess at work. Without any instruction they made turrets, towers, moats... even a soldier dangling from a window could be seen.

It is to be noted, however, that a large part of the enthusiasm was evoked by the prospect of later on the day being allowed to destroy the castle by chucking water balloons at it. Then I witnessed that second, mythical skill that all kids possess: to annihilate anything in under five minutes. As well as thoroughly soak the animator.

All in all, 't was a good day. End of text, Maaike out.

3 Reacties

  1. Marjolijn:
    15 juli 2013
    Klinkt goed en foto's spreken voor zich, in 2 weken van 0 naar 130! X
  2. X, -P-:
    16 juli 2013
    I believe that I just managed to become part of your blog community. When I got forwarded one of your earlier blog-posts I didn't notice that it was possible to subscribe. In the meantime you produced quite some messages. So tonight was for the reading, maybe tomorrow night for the writing ...
    See you later, alligator. <3
  3. Bro:
    20 juli 2013
    Quatorze Juliet! En garde! Je ne parle français pas!