Guys I'm still not dead

28 juni 2013 - Doussard, Frankrijk

Really, when they said 'vakantiewerk', I didn't think they meant vakantieWERK. (Vakantiewerk, for you English people, is just a summer job, but the joke just doesn't work in your language.) To be fair, my earlier summer jobs were little more than sitting around and getting paid to do so, but the contrast is almost worrying. It feels as if people actually expect me to... put in effort.

Before anyone (by which I mean one of the two people who read this) starts lecturing about the definition of the word 'job', I am kidding of course. If I didn't know what I signed up for when I had my job interview, I was basically kicked face forward into reality at the training. Now that I'm actually here I am rapidly going through all four cycles of culture shock we were tought about in those four days. For those of you who don't know, the four cycles are:

Honeymoon: you love everything. (This cycle takes about as long as it takes for you to meet your boss.)

Cultureshock: everything sucks. (Shit, your boss expects you to actually work!)

Adjustment: you adjust. (The local food just happens to be delicious.)

Mastery/Re-entry: basically you're quitting the strange culture and start having withdrawal problems. (Fuck why is the food gone GIMME MORE.)

I think you're supposed to take about 2/3 weeks for each, but, me being me, I go through them in roughly 10 minutes. 144 times a day.

Okay end of text Maaike out.


5 Reacties

  1. Marjolijn:
    28 juni 2013
    :-) X
  2. X, -P-:
    29 juni 2013
    Have a KidCat ...
  3. Bro:
    29 juni 2013
    Ik denk dat aan het eind van deze 'vakantie' "Operatie geslaagd patiënt gestorven" wel een gepaste uitspraak zal zijn.
  4. Panda:
    29 juni 2013
    aww, you're adorbz <3 Hang in there cupcake ;)
  5. Maaike Visser:
    29 juni 2013
    I have no idea how to respond to reactions individually, but I love you all.
    @mama: xje terug. <3
    @X, -P-: I have no idea who you are, but thanks for the Kid(t?)Cat. :D
    Bro: Nobody died yet shut up.
    Panda: ILU and I'm wearing your sweater ATM just so you know.